Actress Yami Gautam has been roped in to play the second female lead in KriArj Entertainment’s forthcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu. Besides Yami Gautam, the film also features Shraddha Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor in principal roles. The socially relevant film is being helmed by Shree Narayan Singh, who rose to fame after directing the Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar starrer commercially hit flick Toilet: Ek Prem Katha.
Yami Gautam
Yami, who was last seen in filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma’s Sarkar 3, took to Twitter to express her delight on joining the cast of the film. She wrote, “Super happy to commence this special journey with @kriarj on ‘ Batti Gul Meter Chalu ‘ 🙂 Really excited for this one #Prerna #Shree @shahidkapoor @ShraddhaKapoor”
The film was initially expected to roll in January 2018, but since casting for two leading ladies were pending, the makers had to delay the shoot. Now, the team will begin shooting in February in a start-to-finish schedule. The film will be shot across the beautiful locations of Rishikesh, Tehri, Haridwar, Mussoorie, and Nainital. Batti Gul Meter Chalu is expected to wrap its shoot by May 2018. The film is set to release on August 31st.
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