For the third time Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt was granted parole and he is out for one month to be with his family on the grounds of ill health of his wife Manyata Dutt. In his parole application, Dutt mentioned that his wife Manyata was sick and will undergo surgery hence he needs leave from jail to take care of his wife and family.
This move of police has infuriated social activists and angered political parties who got another spicy issue to raise protest about. Republican Party of India (RPI) activists on Saturday staged protest outside Yerwada jail against Dutt’s release. This is a jail where Dutt is serving his sentence tenure.
In a recent development on the matter Home Minister of Maharashtra Mr R. R. Patil has asked for investigation on the case. He also said that the issue will be brought into state legislative assembly.
Jail authority who accepted Sanjay’s application for leave on parole was the additional director general of Prisons Meera Borwankar. It is noteworthy that Sanjay has been granted leave twice before – first on 1st Oct 2013 for one week which was later extended to 1 more week considering his request on medical grounds. He returned to serve his sentence on 30th October.
There has been a huge uproar and protest among people when Sanjay Dutt was released for the second time. Political parties made most of this issue. The ground of this leave was again wife Manyata Dutt’s illness and the doctors also confirmed about her ill health. Manyata was diagnosed with a tumour in liver and she needed a surgery to remove it. To make things worse Manyata is also suspected with heart ailment.
Dr Ajay Chaughule in his statement has said,”Manyata has a tumor in the liver. She had chest pain and has lost ten kilos in 15-20 days. We have advised her to undergo certain tests for heart ailment. Once the tests are done then we can decide whether surgery is required or not“.
Chaughule, a senior heart and cardio thoracic surgeon and heart and lung transplant surgeon at Global Hospital, said she had visited him a week ago. He prescribed some medications to her.
It is known that Manyata had earlier visited Lilavati hospital. There she was advised to undergo angiography to examine her hearts condition. However Manyata decided to take a second opinion and consulted Dr. Chaughule.
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