After Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Padmavati’, Salman Khan’s ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ is now in the radar of controversies. Though Salman’s film is not postponed or completely pulled out of the theatres, it has something to do with political party, MNS (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena). We know, whenever Bhai’s films releases, the entire cinema houses across the country become his kingdom. Salman’s films get the maximum slots during the prime time, but we feel it will not happen this time at least not in Mumbai and Maharashtra. MNS chief, Raj Thackeray and other workers of the party have ordered cum threatened the cinema owners to not to give the maximum slots to ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’. Well, there are no personal issues here; the political party has a genuine reason behind it as they want the regional (Marathi) films should also get an equal opportunity to do a fair share of a business.
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