Popular television actress Shubhangi Atre Poorey aka Bhabhiji needs no introduction. She has been a part of the entertainment world for a long time now. The actress has appeared in many popular shows since her debut, but it was &TV’s Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai which catapulted her to the peak of popularity. In an exclusive interview with BollywoodMDB correspondent, Mohnish Singh, the actress candidly talks about her growing up years, her equation with Ekta Kapoor, and much more. Excerpts…
Shubhangi Atre PooreyQ. Tells us something about your growing up years and how you got up with an idea for acting?
A. It was my father who always motivated me and inspired me to explore the world and dream to fly high. Acting was not really a dream. It was never planned. It just happened and as my father taught me to never give up on things coming your way,
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