After tasting success with Hindi films, lately, many Bollywood A-listers have tried their hands in the Marathi film industry. Following the leads of Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, Ajay Devgn and Priyanka Chopra, it is now filmmaker Rohit Shetty‘s turn to venture into Marathi cinema. Known for making larger than life action and comedy movies, Shetty is all set to step into the Marathi films. According to reports in a leading entertainment portal, the filmmaker is all set to produce a slice-of-life film titled ‘School College Aani Life’. The project will be helmed by debutant director Vihan Suryavanshi. A source close to the project said to a leading daily, “‘School College Aani Life’ will be a light-hearted take on life. Though Rohit is busy with the pre-production of ‘Simmba‘, he is involved in the scripting of the Marathi film.”
Rohit Shetty
The source also added that the film is likely to go on floors in March and ended up saying, “The team is writing the script’s final draft after which the casting will be finalised.”
Apart from this, Shetty, along with Karan Johar is busy with his television reality show, ‘India’s Next Superstar’. The director will then start shooting for ‘Simmba’ with Ranveer Singh and it is slated to hit the theatres on 28th December 2018.
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