What more can one expect when a personality like Bill Gates praises your film! The world’s second wealthiest man and founder of Microsoft, who is known for his humanitarian works, listed Akshay Kumar’s film ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ in the inspiring moments of the year 2017. Where most of the Bollywood films failed to leave a mark this year, Khiladi Kumar gave a super hit film with a social message that even Bill Gates feels it as an inspiring one. Yesterday Gates took to his Twitter and shared his views on certain happenings of the year that inspired him, he tweeted “There’s no denying that 2017 was a really tough year… but it also delivered some amazing moments of hope and progress. Here are some inspiring tweets that you may have missed…” and guess what? Kumar’s film was second on his list.
Toilet: Ek Prem Katha Poster and Bill Gates
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