Veteran actor Anupam Kher is no less than young actors of Bollywood when it comes to being punctual and finishing work on time. The talented actor has just wrapped up the on-going shooting schedule of his forthcoming untitled film, which happens to be his 511th outing as an actor. Kher loves shooting at different locations in Jharkhand. He has previously shot there for films like MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Ranchi Diaries. After completing the schedule of his upcoming film, he said that it has always been a pleasure shooting at various locations in Jharkhand.
Anupam Kher
To share the news, Kher took to his Twitter handle and tweeted, “As I finish this schedule of my untitled 511th film, I thank the people, the administration, the Rana family and the security people of Ranchi for their love, warmth and hospitality. As always it was a pleasure shooting at the various locations in Jharkhand.”
While shooting for the film in Jharkhand, the actor also met the Chief Minister Raghubar Das and said that it was a pleasure meeting him. “It is always a pleasure to meet Jharkhand Chief Minister,” Anupam tweeted on Friday.
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