Swades released 13 years back with Shah Rukh Khan in the lead. Irrespective of its fate at the box office, it was a gamechanger. First, to see SRK in a role as such was a delight. Till then, we had only seen him do romantic roles to perfection. He knew when to make us cry, laugh and fall in love. But Swades unmasked the side of the actor which was hidden in him for long. We knew he is a gem of an actor after watching Fauji and Circus. Hence, when we saw Shah Rukh in the role of Mohan Bhargav, we were deeply elated. But there is something you didn’t know about the film which director Ashutosh Gowarikar revealed today. Aamir Khan was on the sets of the film when it was getting shot.
Also read: Ajay Devgn’s new tactic will surely surprise Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir
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