Colors’ flagship reality series, Bigg Boss has been a successful baby for the GEC. Over a decade, the series has been garnering good ratings and much popularity. The 11th edition of the series became an instant hit. Unlike other seasons, this year, the show wasn’t just falling on the shoulders of a few contestants. This year the house had a mix of all eclectic contestants creating much drama for the audience. The show has entered its final week with six inmates comprising of Hina Khan, Shilpa Shinde, Vikas Gupta, Puneesh Sharma, Luv Tyagi and Akash Dadlani.
With three civilians and three celebrities, the competition in the final week is severe. Just few days remain and the fans of each contestant are going berserk. If statistics and bookies are concerned, Vikas, Hina and Shilpa are the hot favorites to take away the trophy. One can easily bet that this year, the title will be going out to one of the three. And we believe that they surely deserve to.
TellyChakkar has been following the season since its inception and hence here we present a detailed list of why these trio deserve to win Bigg Boss 11.
Shilpa Shinde:
The TV actress embarked her journey in the controversial reality show with quite a bang. Shilpa gave a shocker to the audience when she had a fit with co-contestant Vikas Gupta during the inception of the series. Her rivalry with Vikas continued inside the house for another few weeks. Many found this rivalry entertaining and it gave the show a much needed push in its initial stages. Shilpa’s motherly figure, umber-cool attitude and homely persona have made her a fans fall in love with her all the more and the people who were in a dilemma of the kind of personality she is, found her adorable.
The lady
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