News ‘Toilet…’ educated audiences about India’s sanitation challenge: Bill Gates
Microsoft Corporation co-founder Bill Gates has lauded the Bollywood film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and said that it has educated audiences about India’s sanitation challenge.The movie was amongst his seven inspiring things in 2017.”There’s no denying that 2017 was a really tough year… but it also delivered some amazing moments of hope and progress. Here are some inspiring tweets that you may have missed,” Gates tweeted on Tuesday.Later he re-tweeted a link from the Express Tribune and wrote: Toilet: A Love Story, a Bollywood romance about a newly wed couple, educated audiences about India’s sanitation challenge.”Directed by Shree Narayan Singh, Toilet: Ek Prem Katha revolves around a man named Keshav, who falls in love with Jaya and gets married to her. However, she complains that there is no toilet in the house and he tries to pacify her
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