On the occasion of Children’s Day, Saif Ali Khan grabbed headlines by purchasing a Rs 1.3 Crore Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT as a gift to his son Taimur Ali Khan and the shutterbugs had a field day clicking pictures of Saif in his brand new SUV. It now looks like this was just a PR stunt and Saif might not really be the owner of the Jeep.
As per CarToq, who did a quick registration search about the Jeep through the Road and Transport Mission Mode Project, it turns out the owner of the Jeep is still Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA). Well, FCA India is a parent company of Jeep India and it means the owner of the Grand Cherokee SRT is still Jeep India and not Saif Ali Khan or Kareena Kapoor.
Here’s what CarToq revealed about the registration details of the Jeep –
MH12PW1970 [PUNE, MH]
Motor Car
RC/FC Expiry: 20-Dec-32
MV Tax upto: (LifeTime)
Also, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Taimur Ali Khan arrived at a Christmas party in the same Jeep itself and we wonder what’s happening, folks! Maybe, the company has given Saif access to the SUV for a certain period of time as it will help them in brand building all across the country. Brilliant move!
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Story first published: Thursday, December 28, 2017, 16:23 [IST]
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