Actor Manoj Bajpayee is going through the best phase of his career. The 48-year-old actor appeared in 3 films this year and has around 5 films in the coming year. Manoj today announced that he wrapped up shooting for his yet another film, titled, ‘Bhonsle’, which is helmed by ‘Ajji’ director, Devashish Makhija. Manoj and team had started shooting for the film in the beginning of September and in less than 4 months he finished shooting for the same. ‘Bhonsle’ is a story of a terminally-ill local cop, retired against his will, who finds himself forging an unlikely companionship with a 23-year-old North Indian girl and her little brother, while the raging conflict destroying the world around them reaches his doorstep, giving him one last battle worth fighting for.
Manoj Bajpayee
Manoj shared the news on Twitter, his caption read, “A huge congratulations to the entire team of Bhonsle. We wrapped up the shooting schedule with the effort and passion of each and everyone associated with the film — Devashish Makhija, Piiyush Singh, Sandiip Kapur, Saurabh Gupta, Namita Lal.”
Apart from ‘Bhonsle’, we all know that in the coming January, the talented actor will be seen in Neeraj Pandey’s ‘Aiyaary’, then he has ‘Love Sonia’, ‘In The Shadows’ and ‘Baaghi 2’ lined up to release. Manoj will also be seen with actor John Abraham in Milap Zaveri’s ‘Raakh’, which is scheduled to go on floors in February 2018.
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