Jimmy Sheirgill, who is currently shooting for his upcoming film Mukkabaaz revealed that he just can’t stay home for a long time and needs to keep working. He opened up to HT by saying,
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“Gulzar saab once told me that ‘if an actor sits at home for too long, then he is not going to be able to stay in the industry for a long time’. That [thought] stuck with me, and I am like that now. I can’t stay at home for 50 days. I am an actor who loves his work. I have to work.”
The workaholic Jimmy Sheirgill, suffered from ill health in 2011 and had to stay home for a long time. He remembered those painful days and said,
“My back and neck were severely affected. The doctors advised me bed rest. So, work had to take a back seat, and now I have to try and find a balance between work and personal life. That being said, I’ll still opt for work rather than staying at home.”
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Story first published: Tuesday, January 2, 2018, 18:23 [IST]
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