While Saif Ali Khan’s Kaalakaandi is slated to hit the theatrical screens next week, the actor also has another yet interesting project up his sleeve. We are talking about Nikhhil Adavani’s Baazaar.
The makers had dropped the film’s first look poster last year. Recently while speaking to a leading daily, Saif got candid about his role in the movie which is based on the ups and downs of the stock market in India.
Debutant Rohan Mehra is playing the lead protagonist whereas Saif portrays an antagonistic Gujarati business man in the film.
Talking about the same, he told the daily, “The intention of Bazaar was to create a human drama against the backdrop of the stock market. My character is like a nasty antagonist. Rohan Mehra is the hero. It is exciting to play strong and powerful roles. I don’t distinguish between roles, it is funny. The idea is even if you play bad, if it is well-written, people don’t think actors are being evil or nasty,”
He further added, “Not all commercial films are fluff and sometimes an actor gets an opportunity to explore oneself as an artiste. I think commercial cinema can sometimes give you an opportunity to do good acting. Because it is strong and more dramatic. I really enjoyed that experience of making the commercial cinema more believable and play it like it is more real.”
Earlier while talking to a leading daily, Nikkhil had said, “‘Baazaar’ is a story of this city (Mumbai). It’s a film which likens to a ‘Trishul’. But the backdrop is business and share bazaar (market). It’s about the city because intoxication of the city drives me crazy.
“I can’t understand why people come into the city and live on sewage, really we’re living on sewage. There is no infrastructure. Yet
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