Actor-filmmaker Arbaaz Khan is all set to don the cop role in his upcoming film, ‘Nirdosh’. Directed by Subroto Paul and Pradeep Rangwani, ‘Nirdosh’ revolves around a murder mystery case, which has 6 suspects and Arbaaz is seen playing the role of chief investigator of the case. Initially, when the trailer was released, it showed that the film will be released on 12th January next year, but the new poster revealed the new release date. Now the movie has been pushed a week further and will hit the theatres on 19th January 2018. On 12th, the movie was scheduled to clash with Saif Ali Khan’s ‘Kaalakaandi’, Vikram Bhatt’s 1921 and Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Mukkabaaz’.
Nirdosh Poster
Though the makers have pushed the film by a week, it still has two other movies to face on 19th January. It will now be clashing with Kay Kay Menon’s ‘Vodka Diaries’ and Sanjay Patel’s ‘Union
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