We guess yesterday’s good night message was not enough for Anushka Sharma to give her fans some serious chills. The beautiful Anushka just revealed the latest poster of her upcoming film, ‘Pari’, and looking at it will leave your eyes wide open. In the spine-chilling poster, Anushka is seen sitting on a chair while a ghost is standing behind her and have kept his hands on her shoulders. The horror flick won’t have a perfect tagline than ‘’Not A Fairytale”. Anushka shared the poster on Twitter, captioning, “#HoliWithPari @OfficialCSFilms @paramspeak #PrernaaArora #KarneshSharma @kriarj #ArjunNKapoor @poojafilms”
Pari Poster
In ‘Pari’, Anushka is paired opposite Parambrata Chatterjee of ‘Kahaani’ fame. The movie has been directed by Prosit Roy while Anushka Sharma’s Clean Slate Films has produced the movie.
Talking about the film, Anushka had earlier stated, “We have gone by instinct in choosing good cinema, and the audiences have liked both our films. Pari is a strong, engaging story and our team is brilliant. It’s the kind of project that I love producing and delivering to audiences.”
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This is Anushka’s third movie as a producer post ‘NH 10’ and ‘Phillauri’. ‘Pari’ is slated to release on 2nd March 2018, clashing with Sudhir Mishra’s ‘Daas Dev’ and ‘Hate Story 4‘.
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