Anupama 31st August 2022 Written Episode
Shahs rejoice after they get a new member in their family. Toshu is still uncontatable. Vanraaj asks Anupama to give good news to Anuj. Leela asks Vanraj to give her money to distribute among hospital workers. Anupama calls Anuj and informs him that a babygirl is born. Shahs ask Anupama how the baby looks. Anupama says she looks like a little angel and recalls holding the baby for the first time. Doctor passes by. Shahs ask about Kinjal. Doctor says they need to take good care of Kinjal as she just went through surgery. She says they couldn’t handle anxious Kinjal because of Anupama or else it would have been very difficult. She thanks Anupama for holding both Kinjal and doctor’s team. Shahs also thank Anupama. Anupama says she is a mother. Leela asks about Rakhi. Vanraj says she is in Rajkot and will be reaching anytime soon. They continue expressing their happiness.
Anuj shares sweet with Little Anu and GK. Ankush and Barkha walk to him. He shares sweets even with them announcing baby’s arrival. Barkha signals Ankush. Ankush apologizes him again for his mistake and says they will not trouble him again and thanks for letting them stay in his house. Anuj its temporary and not permanent. Barkha says she will serve him food and medicine as Anupama is not here. Anuj says Anupama doesn’t forget anything, she knows GK is here to take care of him, Barkha shouldn’t speak about Anupama at all. He ges a reminder from Anupama to have food and medicine and tells Barkha that Anupama doesn’t forget anything.
Anupama and Vanraj peep into neonatal room. Vanraj excitedly asks which one is his granddaughter. Anupama says one who has anger on her nose, one who is cute, etc., is his granddaughter. He points at a baby. Vanraj says he got it. Anupama then video calls Anuj and shows baby to him. Vanraj congratulates him for becoming dada buddy and subconsciously keeps his hand on Anupama’s shoulder repeatedly. Anuj notices it. Anupama says she will disconnect now as she needs to show baby to Leela and others. Anuj feels sad that he is not present there.
Shahs and Anupama meet Kinjal who ask about her baby. Anupama says baby is fine and will be with her soon. Kinjal asks about Toshu. Anupama says he is not yet reachable, but surely would be disappointed that he couldn’t be with his baby when she is born. Kinjal thanks her for being with her during delivery. Anupama thanks her in return for giving her an opportunity to be with her. Shahs congratulate each other. Nurse brings baby. Everyone hold her gets emotional. Vanraj cries holding her. Vanraj a man never cries even in the toughest situation, but a little girl made him cry. Anupama asks him not to cry much. He walks out of room.
Kinjal misses Toshu. Anupama says baby looks like Toshu. Leela says baby looks like her. Anupama says yes. Hasmukh hopes baby doesn’t get Leela’s nature. Leela asks Anupama to feed gaddoodhi/elixir of life to baby. Pakhi asks what is it. Anupama explains. She thinks where is Toshu stuck, why didn’t he come here yet.
Precap: Rakhi gets emotional holding her grandchild and questions about Toshu. Anupama senses Rakhi is upset with Toshu and asks what is the issue.
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