Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Episode Update: Baa’s Unjustified Demand

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Anupama 16th September 2021 Written Episode

Bapuji warns Baa to stop. Baa asks if she cannot question. Toshu backs Baa and says Baa is not shouting at least. Samar warns him to slow down. Toshu shouts back and says because of him, Anuj/AK entered their house. Samar asks when he had gone to pent house, why he returns daily to watch dramas. Toshu says if he had not come here, he wouldn’t have know how strong AK and Anu’s friendship has grown. Anu shouts at him to shut up and asks Baa why didn’t she question when Kavya visited their house for 9 years as Mr Shah’s friend, Toshu used to praise Kavya and celebrate her birthday, she used to prepare tiffin for her, then why didn’t anyone question; friendship wasn’t a bad word for 9 years and now suddenly why it became bad; AK is his friend and was just studying in her college; what is wrong if AK offered her business partnership, even Mr Shah supported Kavya in office for 9 years and saved her from many mistakes. Vanraj says he has gone through this kind of friendship and knows its consequences. Anu says fake coin thinks all coins in piggy bank are fake. Vanraj says truth won’t change with these explanations. Samar warns him to behave with his mummy. Vanraj warns him to behave with his father. Kinjal says mummy is right. Bapuji backs Kinjal. Toshu asks when AK is just a college friend, why he comes here everyday. Baa says AK and his uncle are always eager to visit here. Toshu shouts all because of Samar. Samar says AK saved him. Toshu says maybe AK organized that accident to enter this house. Kinjal says this is not a movie scene, AK risked his life and saved Samar’s life, Toshu is doubting AK just because he is mummy’s friend. Toshu says its not a coincidence.

Bapuji says AK got camera fixed around their house and noticed when he left the house, went to meet his friend, and stopped to buy jalebi fafda; Toshu should use his brain at least. Toshu says he is forgoing truth. Samar says truth is Toshu, Mr Shah, and Kavya cannot handle mummy’s success. Kavya says his mummy didn’t become a PM to be jealous of her success. Kinjal says mummy’s one step ahead is enough for Kavya’s jealous and right now mummy is miles ahead of Kavya. Toshu says its because of AK’s favor. Samar says mummy succeeded with her hard work. Kinjal says AK is not a bad man. Samar says every person is not like Kavya’s husband. Vanraj shouts. Kavya says Samar doesn’t know to behave with his father. Kinjal says only Kavya knows behavior, they should speak to only sensible people here, at least they will understand sarcasm. Bapu shouts at everyone to shut up. Baa says asks Anu not to work with AK as its not good to work with a stranger man. Bapuji says Baa’s thinking is too cheap. Baa insists Anu. Vanraj with an evil grin on his face says once karkhana is sold, he will give her a place for Anu’s dance and anyways AK has given her ghungroo, she should just say no. Anu asks him to check a calendar and remember that he is not his husband anymore. Baa says she is mother and is ordering her to say no. Anu looks at offer letter.

GK asks AK what about loan which is on Anupama. AK says once Anu accepts his partnership offer, he will offer her one more proposal. Vanraj returns to his room with Kavya and shouts how dare AK is to reject his proposal, he had already decided to approve Anu’s proposal. Kavya asks him to relax and think calmly that they getting what they wanted, AK offered her job and promised to give him a job next time, soon he will also buy their karkhana, let Anu become his business partner and do whatever she wants to. He asks if she realized what she is speaking. She says Anu is no more his wife and it doesn’t matter whatever she does. He says Anu shouldn’t work with AK. Kavya asks why is that so. He says they both will be AK’s employees and Anu will be partner, they will be working under Anu. She asks as if Anu will accept his order. He says Anu will have to accept Baa and her son’s orders, a bird which loves its nest than sky cannot fly high, Anu has to say no for house’s peace.

Kinjal asks Bapuji how can they force Anu to reject such a good offer. Bapuji says its not a new thing, people from generations don’t want woman to succeed and want her to just become a teacher or open a beauty parlor without disturbing her house schedule of preparing breakfast and returning home and preparing dinner; woman is given a very small world which has only place for her family and not a friend. Samar says AK met mummy after 26 years and saw her talent in 3 days, but family saw only friendship. Bapuji says he can’t believe his family thinks so low, they accepted Vanraj and Kavya’s friendship and today they are questioning Anu’s friendship. Kinjal says people behave like they are, they didn’t like mummy from before. Samar says they will support mummy at any cost and asks Bapuji to explain mummy not to take any decision under pressure. Bapuji says only a few issues can be explained by a friend and not father or son.

Anu dances remembering Vanraj, Kavya, Baa, and Toshu’s cheap thinking. While having lunch, AK tells GK that ghungroos will look good on Anu. GK taunts him that he is blushing, Anu will lose her heart if she looks at his blushing face. AK says Anu will only gain from hereon, not showing his love 26 years ago was a mistake and showing it now is also a mistake. GK says don’t know when will Anu reply. Devika visits Anu and asks her to stop becoming a victim, Bapuji called her and explained everything. Anu says not today. Devika asks why not. Toshu tells Vanraj that handling a 5 star restaurant is not possible for mummy as she hasn’t done hotel management course, AK is crazy to give her partnership. Vanraj says he is saying same that Anu will ruin their dignity, people spoke bad about him and Kavya’s affair and will not spare even Anu. Toshu says he cannot tolerate anyone speak ill about mom. Anu fumes on Devika that because of her taunts, her family are taunting her. Devika says its her life and family shouldn’t bother. Anu asks if she is doing wrong, then why she taunts her. Devika says AK is not a roadside romeo that Vanraj Shah is behind him. Anu says even Baa and Toshu are behind. Vanraj says he doesn’t mind Anu’ success, but his parents and children have to pay for it. Toshu says he cannot tolerate AK around mummy. Devika says Baa is not her mother but ex-MIL, so she should tell her that she wants to work; she should slap Toshu and teach him a lesson. Anu says she is not understanding. Devika says woman want to see others happy but not herself, her son shifted to her MIL’s pent house in greed of an extra room, her husband had an affair for 8 years, her MIL just taunts 24/7 and blindly supports her son; she should love them, but love herself also. Anu says she got immense love from that house and Bapuji loves her like a father. Devika says Bapuji is best person in that house and himself sent her here. Vanraj asks Toshu to force Anu to reject AK’s offer. Toshu agrees and asks if he thinks if AK still likes Anu. Vanraj says he is thinking this as AK is still single. Toshu says he will not spare AK if something wrong happens. Anu says Baa will feel bad as she supported her against her son. Devika says Baa’s son was wrong and even now Baa supports her son, Toshu is his MIL’s puppet. Anu requests not to provoke against her family. Devika says she is just explaining her and will continue until she understands.

Precap: Anu accepts AK’s offer and signs documents in front of Vanraj and his supporters.

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