Recently, it was everywhere in the news that Priyanka Chopra has approached Alia Bhatt for a project which will be a social cause-driven film revolving around children and stray animals. The latest update on the project is that though Alia has quite liked the script, she is yet to give her final nod to it. The Udta Punjab actress is currently focusing on her two forthcoming films – ‘Raazi’ and ‘Brahmastra’. Apparently, she has no dates available to sign another film but Chopra’s project is said to be too big to turn down.
Alia Bhatt & Priyanka Chopra
“The basic problem with Alia is that she doesn’t want to commit to too many films because Brahmastra is going to take a while in the making. Hence, she may have to juggle dates. Priyanka’s offer is also pretty open. She has offered Alia the option to choose her script and the director as well,” a source reveals to a daily.
Meanwhile, Alia is awaiting the release of her next film, Raazi, with Vicky Kaushal. The film is a Meghna Gulzar directorial.
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