Ranbir Kapoor and Ayan Mukerji are one of the most impressive young actor-director pairings of Bollywood. Though the duo has only given us two films, their films turned out to be career-defining ventures for both. Now, Ayan is all set to start his fantasy trilogy ‘Brahmastra’ with Ranbir, for which he has also signed Alia Bhatt as the female lead. This is the first time Alia and Ranbir will be sharing the screen. Ayan and the two actors are currently in Israel and have started prepping up for the film. Producer Karan Johar shared the news on his Twitter, captioning, “The new year begins with the prep of #BRAHMASTRA….the countdown of the epic journey of our film begins! Filming commences in February 2018! Ayan Mukerji helms this magical trilogy! @SrBachchan #ranbir @aliaa08 and an exciting ensemble!”
Ranbir Kapoor, Ayan Mukerji & Alia Bhatt
Ayan’s dream film will also have legendary Amitabh Bachchan in a pivotal role. The movie is scheduled to release in 2019 and it will go on floors from February this year. It is reported that Ayan’s trilogy will have sequels releasing every 2 years. The 34-year-old director hasn’t made any film after ‘Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani’ (2013) and it is believed that for the last 4 years he has been focusing on this film which will cost around Rs. 150 crores in the production. Apart from the Alia, Ranbir and Amitabh Bachchan, television actress Mouni Roy is also said to be a part of the film.
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